The story of how the king treated osteochondrosis has survived to this day. 150-200 grams of mustard was added to a huge tub filled with hot water, and the king, a great hunter of a pleasant and useful pastime in a hot bath, slowly plunged into it up to his neck. The procedure ended with a tea party.

The next morning, the sovereign was ready for the next military campaign.
What is osteochondrosis and how is it treated today?
The danger of the "inflexible" disease
Osteochondrosis makes a person inflexible - a subtle aphorism accurately describes the consequences of degenerative changes in the intervertebral disc, the progression of which leads to its destruction.
The intervertebral disc, which gradually loses its ability to "pop out", becomes covered with cracks due to increased pressure, and its contents are "pushed out" over time - an intervertebral hernia is formed.

The leaking fluid compresses nerve endings in the spinal cord, disrupting the "connection" between all of a person's internal organs. So, osteochondrosis of the chest region takes years to treat gastritis or find the cause of heart pain; lumbar or lumbosacral osteochondrosis can cause partial or complete paralysis of the lower extremities, and cervical - complicates blood supply to the brain.
Sometimes the disease affects several departments of the "pillar of life" - generalized osteochondrosis of the spine develops, the standards of treatment of which are similar to those described below, but the recovery process requires much more efforton the part of the patient and the doctors.
The cartilaginous tissue and bones of the leg joints also suffer from destructive processes. Shooting pains during movement, cramps and pains in the calf muscles, numbness of the fingers and decreased sensitivity of the skin of the legs are associated with lumbosacral osteochondrosis.

However, most often these symptoms indicate osteochondrosis of the leg, the treatment of which begins with a visit to a neurologist and is successfully carried out with the help of classical massage, manual therapy, osteopathy and osteopathy. 'acupuncture.
And how to cure osteochondrosis of the spine? This is because, over time, the body compensates for the "missing" height of the discs with the growth of bone tissue from the vertebral bodies, and as they grow together, these growths immobilize individual segments of the "axis of life".
How to treat exacerbations of osteochondrosis?
In addition to the rapid elimination of pain, the main goal of the treatment of exacerbated osteochondrosis is to eliminate muscle spasms and combat the swelling of inflamed tissues that compress the nerve roots.
In the acute period, modern standards of treatment of osteochondrosis prescribe treatment aimed at unloading the spine and eliminating pain:
- In the acute period, especially in the presence of an intervertebral hernia, the patient receives treatment with a position - strict bed rest, the duration of which is at least 6 days;
- Analgesics contribute to the relief of inflammation and pain; usually with osteochondrosis, painkillers are prescribed, as well as NSAIDs;
- With a stable and severe pain syndrome, an anesthetic injection with a glucocorticoid or novocaine is indicated. With exacerbated osteochondrosis, these drugs provide a prolonged analgesic effect;
- With unbearable and sleep-depriving pain in osteochondrosis, the use of hypnotics and tranquilizers is recommended;
- With hypertonicity of the muscles of the back and lower extremities, centrally acting muscle relaxants are prescribed;
- When decompressing the spine, diuretics are used to relieve swelling;
- Local treatment of pain in osteochondrosis is provided by ointments and gels with an anti-inflammatory component. They are applied to the site of pain localization;
- To optimize the blood supply to the spine, angioprotective drugs and venotonics are prescribed, which eliminate congestion in the blood, as well as nicotinic acid, which is a vasodilator;
- Surgery is often the only correct solution for paralysis.
Where is osteochondrosis treated?
As a rule, the patient goes through some kind of circle - a hospital - treatment in a clinic - a spa or sanatorium - home treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Often, even in the acute period, treatment is carried out at home, however, with the low effectiveness of the listed therapeutic measures, the question of hospitalization of the patient is decided.
Recovery period for osteochondrosis
After an acute period, efforts should be aimed at inhibiting destructive processes and optimizing local blood flow and metabolism. The expected result of the treatment is the maximum restoration of cartilage tissue.
The goal of the next stage in the treatment of osteochondrosis is to eliminate the consequences of neurological complications and prevent exacerbations in the future, preventing further degeneration of the soft "components" of the spine.
How do we treat osteochondrosis during the recovery period?
Reception of pharmaceutical preparations at this stage continues. The most important of them are vitamins A, E, P, C and most "representatives" of group B, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and restore the normal "course" of nerve impulses, as well aschondroprotectors. The latter are cartilage extracts - a kind of pills for osteochondrosis, stimulating the restoration of "sagging" cartilage tissue. An anti-inflammatory component is often added to their composition, which makes it possible to reduce the dosage of NSAIDs. Chondoprotectors are taken without exacerbation of the pain syndrome.
To enhance the action of oral chondoprotectors, it is advisable to use a cream for osteochondrosis, as well as ointments based on chondroitin and glucosamine.

Patches are relatively new and good remedies for osteochondrosis.
Small pieces of fabric with an adhesive surface help retain heat, anesthetize and slow down destructive processes at the site of attachment:
- Chinese patches for osteochondrosis, containing herbal ingredients and beeswax, accelerate the final disappearance of inflammation and relax the muscles. With the disappearance of pain, metabolic processes are normalized, and with them the trophism of the affected segment;
- Pepper dressing for osteochondrosis, due to the presence of "burning belladonna", pine rosin and pepper, stimulates blood supply to the problem area, eliminating muscle spasms and accelerating the swelling of tissues thatcompress the nerve roots;
Physiotherapy and alternative therapies
As the inflammation decreases, additional rehabilitation in the presence of complications of osteochondrosis is carried out by non-drug methods of exposure. The focus on treatment shifts to physiotherapy and alternative methods.
The main focus of this period is the expansion of engine speed.
How to get rid of osteochondrosis without medication:
- Physiotherapeutic procedures - infrared laser, magnetic therapy, phonophoresis with chondroxide help relieve muscle hypertonia and symptoms of "tension" of the nerves, and also allow you to administer chondroitin, which prevents the destruction of cartilage tissue, directly into theunhealthy segment;
- Effective treatment of osteochondrosis rarely does without pulling or stretching the spine under the influence of its own weight, additional load or the forces of a chiropractor. The most accessible method of spinal traction, especially when osteochondrosis is associated with curvature, is hanging from the horizontal bar. But even this simple exercise is fraught with complications if the technique is incorrect, so any method of traction should be discussed with the doctor;
- It is also possible to improve the blood supply to the spine and normalize metabolic processes by acting with fine needles on the plexuses of nerve endings, blood vessels and connective tissues in time. Additionally, acupuncture for osteochondrosis causes the release of endogenous opiates that act as analgesics, as well as the production of "anti-inflammatory" cortisol, eliminating the need to administer its synthetic counterpart. Progressive relaxation of the paravertebral muscles also helps reduce pain;
- Often the treatment of osteochondrosis becomes a "life's work", and patients who have tried many ways to relieve suffering leave positive feedback about the healing properties of apitoxin and bee products.
Thus, therapeutic doses of bee venom significantly reduce inflammation and relieve pain more effectively than analgesics and NSAIDs, promote vasodilation and accelerated nutrient delivery.
Without what is recovery impossible?
Perhaps before the onset of the disease, the daily routine was not your priority. In the recovery period, the "updating" of the natural depreciation mechanism is impossible if the schedule of rest, nutrition and physical activity is not respected.
Therefore, study the hygiene of postures and movements - the ability to observe it in everyday life will allow you to "unload" the spine.

place to sleep
Start by arranging a night's rest. In the acute phase, place a hard shield under an ordinary mattress. What mattress to use for osteochondrosis in the future?
In the absence of posture deformities - orthopedic. In the presence of curvature, the bed must be more rigid.
The use of orthopedic pillows is recommended for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
After getting out of bed, the patient is recommended to use a corset - in case of osteochondrosis, it unloads the affected segments, preventing spasms of weakened muscles. The duration of its wearing is determined by the doctor.
Review your diet. Perhaps, if previously it was not ideal, the springboard to recovery will be. . . starvation. It is known that the first fast aggravates the disease, the following fast cures it. How does fasting treat osteochondrosis? In fact, the intervertebral disc is a small hydraulic shock absorber. Like a cushion of water, the disc absorbs impacts. Alternating squeezing and releasing pressure on the disc keeps it hydrated.
According to the author's method, dry fasting contributes to the removal of "waste", "dead" water from the tissues surrounding the disc and stimulates the renewal of its own purified intercellular fluid.
Fasting should be done under the supervision of a physician.
Physical education
The best remedy for osteochondrosis is physical education. Performing exercises for self-extension of the spine and strengthening of the muscles of the body, selected by the exercise therapy instructor, should become a daily rule. Training should be carried out in series, several times a day, in the periods between exacerbations.

So, a modern and at the same time reasonable trend in the treatment of osteochondrosis is segmental gymnastics. Schematically, it can be represented in two phases: muscle stretching by movements whose amplitude slightly exceeds the existing mobility in the joint or segment, and muscle electrostimulation, associated with local gymnastics and acupressure. instead of the "hidden" disease.
Thus, there is a relaxation of the paravertebral muscles, followed by a stimulation of the blood supply, which gives rise to the process of regeneration.
Pain often signals serious "dysfunctions" of the spine. Therefore, do not postpone the visit to the doctor and be healthy!